> Hello, my name is ||||||||||||||, and I want to tell you what  has happened with a summer course called Interaction 2019.


> We work in Mexico, at the |||||||||||||||||||||||||. We are a group of fourteen teachers. Now we are visiting professionals in

> Europe.


> A few weeks ago I contacted Mrs. Urbieta because our accountant asked us for information to pay the registration for the congress,

> and we have had several unpleasant surprises, which I next enumerate:


> 1) Mrs. Urbieta who answered us at the telephone number of the summer congress, has never answered the messages that we have

> been sending.


> 2) We have had to register to obtain the information requested by the accountant in Mexico.


> 3) How is it possible that a congress that turns 20 is within a summer course? Our accountant in Mexico told us that they do

> not to pay taxes, as read in several payment languages proforma: (*) BEZarik gabeko faktura, abenduaren 29ko 102/1992 Foru

> Dekretuko 20.Bat.9garren artikuluaren arabera, Gipuzkoako Lurralde Historikoaren araudi fiskala Balio Erantsiaren gaineko

> Zergari buruzko abenduaren 28ko 37/1992 Legera egokitzen owner. (*) Tax free according to Article 20.One 9th of the

> Regional Decree 102/1992, of 29 of December adapting the Fiscal Regulations of the Guipuzcua Historical Territory  of to

> Law 37/1992, of December 28, of Value Added Tax. (*) And they criticize the beautiful Mexico.


> 4) There is a high discrimination in the amount of registration between those that are associated with the AIPO summer course,

> and  those who  are not.


> 5) We have found that access to extra-congress activities were sold out. Do we pay not to attend everything they put in the program?


> 6) We see in the previous programs that the same authors repeat themselves and always saying  the same thing.


> 7) We do not find the international word in many previous conferences.


> 8) We needed information to manage visas for three others teachers and their respective students, and they didn't help us either.


> 9) They did not know if the certificate would include the summer course or not. We were told to contact the president for the

> rest of our doubts. Anyone ask that click something Güey, who has the same last name and beard, as the current

> representative of the Spanish |||||||||||, Santiago Abascal ¡Híjole!


> In short: We are not mensas.


> We have met with a typical village enclosure mowed by nationalism at all costs and as will all

> organizers, participants, etc. of the rally and its guateques and shindigs. .


> In addition, there is very little seriousness in that rally when presented as International but accounting is a summer course.


>  We can read many of the works on the Internet because they repeat the same strawberries, as we say in Mexico.


> The most serious thing has been the lack of respect for Latin American women, starting because they haven't even answered the

> messages we sent, or always sending to the same individual to other visa issues, certificates, etc.


> Don't worry about us. In July we will go to ||||||||||||||| University |||||||||||||||||||, where they are receiving us with open

> arms and we have even obtained a special discount (very good), because we are a group.


> Best regards,

> ||||||||||||